Conversation Between Treize and Tidus235

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. same
  2. same
  3. Not much. I've just been chilling this weekend. I'm getting ready for school to start this week. How about you?
  4. wat up
  5. oh ok
  6. I'm not really sure. I've haven't played FFTA or FFTA2 enough to be able to answer questions about those games.
  7. do u know how to raise ru smith level in tactic cause im trying to learn doublesword
  8. I think the easiest way would be to either card mod Geezard or to win it in battle from Geezards.
  9. thanks. how do u get scews
  10. Initially you take a train from Balamb. It's pretty automatic.
  11. how do u get to the city of timber in ff8
  12. Uh... You go to the item shop and buy the items using your Gil. Are you having trouble finding the shop? In respect to buying items, this is pretty much like all the other Final Fantasy games.
  13. sorry how do u buy item on final fantasy 8
  14. What do you need help with? It would be easier to respond/answer if you asked a question rather than saying that you need help. <_<
  15. i need help
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 26
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