Conversation Between ~WP-Night and Yesha

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah.. I wished u couLd Lend me urs.. but.. anyway thanks.. LoL! So how was the first series of Shadow Hearts? Is it good than the 2nd one? Have u finished it pLaying it?
  2. Oh thanks! ^^ I downloaded a ton of Shadow Hearts images from an online artbook =] The first one is great!! I'd lend it to you if I could ^^ I really do recommend it =]
  3. Hey! I Luv ur avatar! It's yuri and bLanca.. LoL! My dad had pLayed that Shadow Hearts; Covenant.. and it sucks dat we couldn't find the first series.. where ALice and Yuri is the main character..! LoL! Sorry.. I just got excited when I saw Yuri.. :-)
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