Conversation Between Martin and OceanEyes28

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ally, do you remember way back when when we did the whole TFF Christmas card thing? Like myself, you, Andy (Djinn), Heather, Daisy? God that seems so long ago now! I still remember sending you yours haha.
  2. Just saw your post in you-know-where. Tyty! Sorry if I seemed harsh. Ilu2!
  3. I don't really class it as picking a fight though, certain individuals be all flamin' all da dam tiem! And it winds me up :')
    It doesn't make sense agreed but my lord it helps my mood when I stand up to them. Because that is in essence what it is.
  4. Yeeaaah, I know. Sorry it took me so long to get to that thread. I don't get post reports for that forum.

    P.S. Stop picking fights with people you've declared trolls (I see you gettin after those VMs), it makes no sense. Tyty ily tho.
  5. Egooooooo =D
    It's all good

    How ya been? Seems like aaaaages =D
  6. Haha sometimes?

    All the time.
  7. I'm trying a new one each morning. The Golden Spring was yesterday morning, and I consider it successful. Not an everyday kind of tea, unique taste, but enjoyable. I'm drinking the Keemun Rhapsody as we speak and it is quite good. I'll have to drink it a few more times to be very useful at describing it, but from where I stand now, good tea.

    And yeah... Adagio and Bath&Body Works are my "don't go there unless you want to spend money" websites. I just can't resist them.
  8. I hope you've been drinking them down then .
    Aye I decided to take a look, they have a really wide selection, thanks very much for that Ally! And they have a European site too, so I may just put an order in before the years' out. Thanks a lot
  9. They get here tomorrow!!! So exciting. And Adagio is my main tea and teaware provider. They have a lot of tea. I'm not sure what their shipping rates are, but if you recognize a tea there that you like, that you can't find at say, teapigs, it might make a good Christmas present to yourself. And hey, your money is worth more than ours anyway.
  10. I've had a few Keemuns before, they tend to be a little bland sometimes which can be a shame, but that one might have a bit of a kick to it. I've not tried Fujians myself either, so if they're recommended I'll buy. Adagio??? Pray tell me more
  11. If it's as good as it sounds, I will definitely let you know. I'm excited. Particularly because I don't have much experience with blacks other than flavored Ceylons, an Assam, and a Yunnan tea. Keemun and Fujian teas are completely new to me. I just love Adagio and their massive selection.
  12. Good because I really want it all haha, Keemun Rhapsody in particular sounds... just delightful
  13. Haha I would definitely share.
  14. WOOOP! Congrats on the Super-Modship! I can't think of anyone more deserving!
  15. Oh I read yours regularly, it's witty and entertaining! And thanks, I figured there must be someone out there's reading mine too haha.

    Rain actually adds to the fun of driving if you ask me... because I think it makes everyone closer in the car if that makes sense? And hell I never drive alone so crack on the Whitesnake and really... really put your foot down

    Hedgie-wise I've got one thanks! He's only newborn, so I have to wait quite a while before I can pick him up, but I'm really looking forward to the day I can. It should be just before Christmas so he'll be a lovely present
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