Conversation Between Martin and Omega Weapon

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. Martin! Thank you for your kind and supportive words man, I really appreciate it.
  2. Omega man... I'm really upset to hear about your cat. I'm a big big pet man as well you know so if you want someone to talk to about it you know where I am.

    I hope you can start to feel better soon, and may he rest in peace.
  3. Oh I know, they'll basically never see you during the day. They'll hide away till night and then scratch on your door, like they did mine hehe. I miss mine. Still got one coming now, just another few months ^^
  4. Maybe. =D

    Haha. I know, Three hedgehogs within a week! I am the luckiest man in the world! Seriously though, don't feel jealous, hedgehogs are's almost impossible for me to see them during the daytime...
  5. Ah that's probably because I don't really set the bar high enough.. Oh well

    They are aren't they? Three in your garden? You're a lucky fella ^^
    They'll come from anywhere where there's food, and a safe haven. You must keep a tidy garden, and well one with plenty of wildlife. I'm jealous sir
  6. Haha. For some odd reason I love stealing your hightscores with passion!

    Hell yeah! They are awesome. I found another one yesterday! That makes them three! I still don't know where did they come from though.
  7. Hmmm... Stop stealing my highscores ha!

    I'm a nosy so-and-so sooo I saw you had hedgies in your garden! COOL! They're a very misunderstood animal, and I <3 them

    Glad you do too my man (Y)
  8. Ha! Congratulations! So when I said that I wouldn't have it long I was rather right
  9. -->
  10. I missed my good man's birthday! Shame on me! I really hope you had a great time filled with everything you like! You are finally 19, rock on!

    PS: Don't ask. Yes, I am back!
  11. Unfortunately I was stuck working last night pal, so I only caught the highlights but that was enough. Congrats to Turkey, they are certainly the comeback Kings this tournament needs, and I think they may just get to the Final with a bit of luck. Shame about Nihat though, he looks to be out of the semi

    Oh Croatia... I really (bizarrely considering what happened I guess) have developed somewhat of a soft spot for them recently. They play some excellent stuff at times, and it has nothing AT ALL to do with Slaven Bilic looking like Kurgen from Highlander. Well... A bit
  12. Hey dude, did you watch the match between Turkey and Croatia? Croatia is out of the competition now!
  13. Muahahaha I'll be fine! Glad all is well, I'll be just C'est Super once I've got another monstrous shift at work done tomorrow
  14. That's really a critical question! Well, Thanks god! Life is treating me very well! at least I didn't lose the will to live like you! Hahahah! Come on, Cheer up my friend!
  15. We're talking about 100 games so far, I'm almost losing the will to live somewhat... hahaha how's life treating you my good man?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 21
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