Conversation Between Merlin and LocoColt04

5 Visitor Messages

  1. It may not be a bad idea to temporarily shut them down again tomorrow if that'll be the case.
  2. I might blow up the forums again tomorrow night. BE READY! Lol, but seriously I've found some ideas on how to back up the forums without the help of Fuzz. That's my main problem right now, since I have no access to the "alleged" daily backups and my previous attempts at doing it through phpMyAdmin failed miserably. >_<
  3. You keep fixing stuff before I do! Every time I get to an option, I think "hmm, but this already looks right..." and it's because you beat me to it already.
  4. I couldn't access the damned thing to put it in maintenance mode... XD

    The new company that owns vB is retarded. Their patch blew up everything quite wonderfully. I won't even go into how hard it was to fix. If something is still funky let me know.
  5. You think maybe we should throw the forums into maintenance mode until this insanity is fixed?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5