Conversation Between Merlin and Aerif

4 Visitor Messages

  1. So Merlin, would it be possible to have my journal ported over to a blog anytime soon?
  2. Bah, there is no "disable articles" button for me to push. >_< I guess the good thing is that clicking on that button doesn't show you any articles! Thanks for the find. I'm debating if I should remove it or leave it for now. Articles will come in the future, but probably won't be called that.
  3. Hey,

    Just wanted to let you know that even though you removed the 'Articles' tab (and presumably the feature), the 'New Articles' button is still available on the 'What's New?' tab.
  4. Sorry, but this is the only way I can contact you it seems...

    I've found two bugs in the time limit thingies.

    This forum requires that you wait 30 seconds between searches. Please try again in 18531 seconds.

    This forum requires that you wait 80 seconds between sending private messages. Please try again in 20323 seconds
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4