Conversation Between Dawezy and Jin

9 Visitor Messages

  1. I've recently felt the need to collect ye old Sega consoles, so I had to get one. I just today bought a Dreamcast too. There actually were a few decent games on the Mega CD though. It's got some awesome RPGs on it. Shining Force CD, Vay, the two Lunar games, Popful Mail. Sonic CD, as you said, probably the best port of Final Fight, Silpheed is a pretty good shmup and Snatcher is just pure awesomeness. Also, there's no copy protection on the system, so if you know what you're doing it's easy as **** to turn roms into playable CDs. I've made some that work on the emulator so far, so fingers crossed that they work on the actual Mega CD.
  2. I nearly got myself one a few years back on eBay, I was out-bid though

    Never really got into the CD too much back in the day, had a friend that was way inland from my place and I used to visit him all the time to play his Mega CD - only real game of interest was Sonic CD.. never really thought about any other titles on the system tbh ~

    I got Sonic CD on my Sonic Mega Collection anyways, the loadin screens suck compared to the original system ; ;
  3. I still want a regular Sega CD too though. ;_;
  4. Go burn in a fire, sir.

  5. Be jealous, I just bought a Sega CDX! Bwahaha!
  6. Mega Drive ftw biiiizatch.

    Need to play it more often ; ; recently cleared a copy of Command & Conquer on the Sega Saturn so I need new outlets for entertainment. Postal 2 is pretty nice..

    *launches napalm into crowd*

  7. Bubsy! Megadrive it!
  8. Yes! Back to the classic Dawez avy.
  9. Stop beating off to FFXI and post in the Cult someday.
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