Conversation Between Tifa and Pete

9 Visitor Messages

  1. sometimes, not all that often though. I do a lot of work out on the island, but I'm still in Queens
  2. Right in the financial district, actually. I'll have a 15 minute walk along Wall as a commute. Are you ever in Manhattan?
  3. oh awesome! where about, typical long island city or astoria?
  4. Financial district, right by South Street Seaport I'm actually moving into the city next month!
  5. Same place you used to work? And I know I suck at responding!
  6. Financial district!
  7. Oh nice, where are you working about?
  8. Yeah, haha. Working on finding a place in the city though since I'm here full time now
  9. Yes maam, I'm still in the city! You still in Dirty Jerz?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9