Conversation Between Tifa and Taco-Calamitous

4 Visitor Messages

  1. You do know that now that you're back, you have to choose sides. Are you EBG or Soldier? ...I think that's how it works, anyhow.
  2. Look Mr. Bubbles! An angel! Yeah, Myspace is the outdated. This is my facebook page.

    Yeah, I'm kinda bad at it, too, but some people just disappear off the face of the planet, heh.
  3. That makes me sound like the creepy Bioshock little sisters I haven't used Myspace in ages, lol. Should try Facebook.

    Haven't, sorry. I've barely kept up with people :<
  4. I remember who you are, LITTLE SISTER. I remember you... I think we're probably still friends on Myspace, even.

    Have you ever heard from Llanowar Dead in like the last 6 or 7 years or so?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4