Conversation Between Zardoch and LocoColt04

5 Visitor Messages

  1. So? Is there anyone willing here to help test things out? Can you update me on anything?
  2. Yeah, activity is the problem with any RP ideas on this site though, lol. The problem I may face is mostly having enough GMs if activity spikes. If anything, what we should probably do is get a test group (preferably two or more) and gage how well people are interested in it, and how well it works. I might be able to invite some friends over from another RP site to join too. Plus, doing this in the open can garner interest from the general population if they like what they see and want to join.
  3. Certainly. I've copied your outline of ideas into the thread I made. The biggest concern is whether there will even be any activity to go along with it. I think what needs to happen before there is any follow-through is a gauging of consumer interest. If you can get a positive response from the public, we can look into potentially rolling something like this out. You may also need to take on a sidekick or two, to keep the thing going along smoothly should you take a leave of absence (vacation, etc.) and to help with mediation.
  4. Can you update me on the discussion of my idea?
  5. So dude, are you going to respond to any of my PMs?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5