Conversation Between Zardoch and loaf

7 Visitor Messages

  1. I wanted to get Joe 2 Elimination wins in a row!
  2. I'm gonna cut you, Loaf. /bad pun

    Do no question thy name changing methods.
  3. Alright, with rocky gone, you should assume command on the Gaia faction for the time being. Contact me when ya can so we can talk about my original arrangements I had with rocky.
  4. Right on, next time I see him log on MSN I'll talk to him.
  5. When you're done with your character, post it and talk to Rocky about our thread.
  6. No, sorry.
  7. So for an example of the Faction world. Can I have one, I am seeing it being somewhat like FF6 World of Balance.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7