Conversation Between darkViVi and ChloChloAriadne

14 Visitor Messages

  1. Poor Imps. They are hungry! =(
  2. ... I'm not breastfeeding them.
  3. *666 days later you give birth to 9 healthy Imps*

    They all cry for food and burps up fire.
  4. Ooh, okay. Let's go, then.
  5. Yes Imps, diabolical firebreathing little evil creatures they are. That's what I like about them.
    C'mon, I'll show you ^_^
  6. Imps? =0
  7. Comeon, get over to my profile and I'll teach you how to make little Imps
    Making Imps is fun, you'll like it
  8. I miiiiiiisss you. As you know, my computer's a shitpile and won't boot, and I've lost dad's laptop. =( I'd call you or something if I knew your number >.<

    Hope you're doing well.
  9. Where are you? I'm tired of being a mass producing robot and make RC planes. Let's have some cyberzor

    All work and no play makes dV a dull boy all work and no play makes dV a dull boy All work and no play makes dV a dull boy all work and no play makes dV a dull boy etc.
  10. zomg yeh!

    *gives Ring of Gaxx*
  11. zomg i luv u dv will u mrry me?
  12. Yes plz boobies. Very much appreciated ^_^

  13. Heeeeeeeeeeeello.

  14. Boo.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14