Conversation Between Aerif and Yoko

41 Visitor Messages

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  1. Heey!
  2. (Late Reply...whoops)

    Oooh, I've seen that before. It's better then the iPhone by my standard. It looks pretty sick. I read your journal a while back and I wanted to ask. I know how to save a lot of battery on my blackberry. Usually involved turning the network off when I'm in the subway. It saves some. I've gotten it to last quite a while. I usually have fbook, MSN, forums running and music playing at the same time. When they're not, the battery lasts longer then a day. Each phone is different though.

    That's enough of random blabber.

    Merry Christmas
  3. Haha, that is random.

    My phone is an Orange Monte Carlo, which is an Android 2.3 distributed by the network carrier Orange. Outside of the UK the phone is known as a ZTE Skate.
  4. I meant to ask, what kind of phone do you have? (Completely random question)
  5. Not really. You could collectively agree on something, but then it would be pointless to restate what the other said. Adding two other people with completely different personalities was a brilliant idea.
  6. Alpha and I were planning to have a 'passionate back-and-forth' in a thread at some point when I first changed my name, but unfortunately there's not really a lot we disagree on.

    Actually, wait, is that unfortunate?
  7. Haha, that would have been awesome. Although, I haven't seen all four of us in one thread yet. This is still a really successful run. I love it when they're confused.
  8. I wanted Alpha to post in that thread about manga, but sadly the flow was interrupted.
  9. Haha, I'm loving this.
  10. Thank you, I love it to.
  11. lol, I love your humour.
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