Conversation Between Aerif and che

6 Visitor Messages

  1. rofl
  2. You his.
  3. rofl <3
  4. che!


    Just been something on my mind all day.
  5. I was going to post in your other thread but I saw were it was going.

    My response in the original topic, although mentioning camping was more to do with the exploitation of the game rather than just using annoying legitimate methods to win.

    I've never honestly played a FPS competitively because I know that I'm far too late to be able to play on a level playing field but I do have the ability to look at them from an observers point of view as a desginer (at one point I was forced into making an FPS for coursework, ugh). I play Uncharted 2 (and 3's beta) for most of my insight.

    I think what pisses me off is the number of people I see consistently using an exploit to gain an unfair advantage. It's easy to take down a camper assuming you know where he is or have a good idea of it, but the thing I've noticed is that a lot of them seem robotic in nature and just continue to return to their spot and rack up kills or points, and since camping out for a camper seems no fun I think that these individuals suck it out of the game.

    There's also a very European side-effect of playing online in that PS3 microphones tend to be owned by foreigners for some odd reason. There's always the mute button but I think in using it you're taking away an essential part of the social aspect of the game.
  6. I would have honestly loved to hear your response, as you seem to be calm and have actual thoughts. I'm sorry that thread had to be taken to a level that ruined the actual discussion taking place.

    I guess I do have some sort of a problem with campers, or people trying to exploit things. But from what I've learned, if it's in the game, you gotta play with it. Whether you exploit it yourself, or use the knowledge and prediction to yourself. And quite honestly, I like the challenge (if you can call it that) of having to deal with people trying to exploit (unless its blatant map hacking or running through walls, or activating god mode, etc). Most of the games I play online are regulated with some sort of anti-cheat warden, though. Or they have support and get patched to fix issues quickly.
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