Conversation Between Aerif and RamesesII

6 Visitor Messages

  1. What's worse is that they don't even teach half this in school, they tell you about the significant ones like why we have Anzac day but not nearly enough as I said before I was shocked when I looked it up.
  2. I'm beginning to see the irony of my previous statement about an island nation far away from most locations being involved in conflict. Irony indeed.

    Most of all I had no idea that Australia and New Zealand were incolved in the war in Vietnam. I think because of the fact that the numbers of Oceanics involved these wars aren't massive, foreign history tends to forget they're involvement.
  3. Yeah we have had quite a bit of involvement in past conflicts, Australian military history: an overview | Australian War Memorial check it out even I was surprised how much we were involved in.
  4. I had no idea that Australia or New Zealand were involved in any military conflicts due to thier location.

    Thank you Ramses, you have educated me.
  5. Australian & New Zealand Army Corps, Australia had only been a young commenwealth so the teamed up with NZ to take Gallipoli peninsula Turkey but they were of course somewhat and instead of an easy assault met extreme Turkish resistance and heaps of men were slaughtered and we remember that day as ANZAC day.
  6. Normally I'd Wikipedia something that I don't know, but I am le tired.

    What is ANZAC day?
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