Conversation Between Sasquatch and Rowan

15 Visitor Messages

  1. You're in the army, right? Or you were.. I was just curious to know what kind of training you went through, both physical and mental and if you can give any kind of examples of how I might be able to replicate the intensity via exercise programs.
  2. I agree, but nevertheless if he wants to adress me he can always do so.
  3. I dunno, it just seems a little petty. The idea of making a thread only to shed light upon some quotes you don't like, then having it closed before the subject even has a chance to respond? I would figure that it would backfire -- instead of you making somebody else look stupid, it would make you look immature and childish. That's my take on it, at least -- if you actually disagree with somebody, either engage in an open forum or deal with them directly, but don't try to attack them in front of everybody and then retreat before they get a chance to address you.
  4. Bit of both. He needs to be called out. To be honest, theres little room for member participation, Ive already asked to have it removed. Shouldn't have wasted my time on him, lol.
  5. Actually interested. Did you actually make a post to discuss ... anything? Or did you just try to do the whole "hahahah, look, this guy are dumb, I so smarter lol"?
  6. Are you genuinly intruiged or are you just lashing out again?
  7. There was never any one thing, but a combination of things. And things I've seen since I put my faith in it have only reinforced it. Really, it would be quite a few things, and a wide variety. From people I've been close to that have used their faith to get their lives turned around, to what I felt was God pushing me to volunteer for more combat -- the latter, of course I didn't like the idea of at the time, but I was one of a select few in the military with knowledge and experience in our mission in Iraq and Afghanistan, and I've seen (and been told of) instances that would have turned out much worse if I hadn't been there to share what I knew. It may have taken me a year or so to figure out why I felt God pushing me to go back, but once we started seeing action and I saw (and was told) that the situations would have been worse, and the casualties greater in number and severity, had the rest of my guys not acted based on the experience I shared with them, I knew why I was there.
  8. I dont think I've ever asked you probably one of the most important questions that should have been asked from the beggining of the great debate, but what was it that had you convinced with absolute certainty that there is a god?
  9. relax mannn, only kidding. If you wanna read something serious head over to ID ill debate there.
  10. "Because explaining reasons for holding personal religious beliefs to an anonymous teenager on an internet gaming forum is important to ... who? I'm sure we all have our reasons for believing what each of us believes, but nobody is obligated to explain them to you."

    then why do we bother talking about anything at all other than games, dipshit?
  11. I kindly ask you to explain your ignorant comment.
  12. It was completly justified. Just because you dont see it, It doesnt mean it was wrong.
  13. And how exactly, praytell, was any part of that post "ignorant"? Or do you have any clue, and simply disagreed with it, despite multiple others' (who usually disagree with me, if only on spite) concurrences?
  14. Instead of getting pissy and insulting those who point out your ignorance, you might instead want to correct your ignorance. And while you're at it, don't try to claim that everybody else is ignorant, especially when they know more on the subject at hand than you do.
  15. oh **** off pretentious twat.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15