Conversation Between Sasquatch and Alpha

48 Visitor Messages

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  1. You still alive, man? Long time no hear from you. You doin' okay?
  2. Happy birthday!
  3. Touche'. But I admit I misspoke -- it's the monotheistic aspect of God in the Trinity that classifies as Christianity. That includes God the Father and the Holy Spirit, and of course Jesus the Messiah. So while that belief is necessary, it's not the sole requirement -- that belief added to another religion would not make it Christianity, but the belief in the three parts of God as the only divinity is the restriction.
  4. Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch, recently
    As far as your anti-Mormon crap goes, I will remind you (and, more importantly, others who might be reading this thread, because it's apparent that you just won't get it) that the classification of "Christian" requires nothing more than a belief in Jesus as Messiah. The Church of Latter-Day Saints holds that belief, and as such, are classified Christian.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch, September 2009
    So believing that Mary has some sort of "divine power" when she hasn't been used by God since Jesus was born, or paying to Mary instead of to God through Jesus like the Bible says, is against Christianity. It may be fine to do in Catholicism, but not in Christianity.
    Nearly three years is a long time to have your opinion changed, I suppose, but it contradicts your remarkable consistency of opinion on most else.
  5. Hahaha, that's brilliant.
  6. While not phallic, I'm pretty sure this would apply to a gun being penis-like.
  7. You're too literal.
  8. Does everything longer than it is wide resemble a penis, then? And I don't know if you could consider a gunshot "ejaculating", unless it was Superman or something.
  9. How does a gun not resemble a penis? They're (generally) long, hard, and ejaculate when triggered.
  10. Hah, thanks. I won't be around there until January or February, I still have to plan that trip out. I'm actually back in the States now, but not "home" yet -- still outprocessing and such. But shouldn't be but another few days, now.
  11. Appears I missed your birthday. Hopefully this is only a day late in the States. Happy birthday man! Still looking forward to shouting you a REAL beer (i.e. a Kiwi one... Which tend to be quite fruity but I swear they're good).
  12. That works. To be honest, I'm not really "organizing" anything -- I just figured that I'd get there and take it from there. I'd like to see the opera house in Sydney and snorkel the Reef, but other than that, I'll probably be there for a week, just trying to find things to do. Of course, one of those things is discovering whether or not Australian girls moan with an accent, but we'll see.

    Thanks for the info though, I might stop over in NZ for a few days.
  13. Not difficult. The flights between here and there are cheap. Of course there's nothing to compare them to, given that from here you can only really fly to the east coast of Australia, Los Angeles or Singapore. Pretty easy to work out the relative prices of those.

    You could probably get a direct flight to Wellington from Sydney. Otherwise you'd be flying into Auckland and then flying (half an hour), driving (you can see and stop along the way, and have a rental car for smaller excursions too; 8 hour minimum), or train-ing (highly recommended because of the things you can see on this route that roads don't go near; 10-11 hours) to Wellington.

    I'm not the best person to ask about getting here, though, because I've never left. Though if you can organise a trip to Australia, it's not much more of a stretch to come here.
  14. I'm not on a real computer and can't rep, but thank you for your post in that thread about criticizing religion. I honestly don't know what it is, but I'm increasingly seeing eye to eye with you. Not on a lot of things, of course. But some things. And in my two year history here, that's pretty remarkable.
  15. Really? Wow. It's more popular than the Extra Stout, over here.
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