Conversation Between Sasquatch and Pete

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. I enjoyed quite a few, thanks.
  2. Happy birthday man! Hope you're enjoying a tall frosty at the bar.
  3. Bear is pretty damn good. It's moist, almost rich. And maybe even a little sweet. I had some that was cooked up without spices or anything, just a little chunk while they were cooking, apart from the giant steak/roast I had that night for dinner. I would definitely recommend trying to find some.

    As far as getting ahold of it ... your best bet would be a local taxidermist or meat packer. A lot of people get bear mounted, and most taxidermy shops either take care of the meat themselves or would tell you who they go through. Unless you know somebody who bear hunts, or know somebody who knows somebody or whatnot.
  4. I'm insanely jealous of the fact that you've had bear. What the hell does it taste like and where can I find some? I've also tried bison and ostrich, but the ostrich was way too lean and very dry.
  5. Yeah, I didn't even know that the first movie existed until I was in college. It's now a St. Patty's Day tradition. I'm also anxiously awaiting the second on dvd, but I don't know how it'll be without Willem Dafoe. He really helped make it what it was.
  6. Apparently, Boondock Saints 2 was only released in like 13 theaters. The first one was kind of a B movie and didn't make it big until it came out on video, so they're doing the same thing with the second one, as kind of an homage. Can't wait to see it, though I wouldn't be surprised if my love for the first one makes me think that the second one will suck.
  7. You caught me. I'm a Big fan of Boondock Saints... still haven't seen the second one though.
  8. No sir, I can tolerate "them" at best.
  9. Hahaha, oh man I bet that little clip could come in handy.

    My friends and I somehow always try to come up with the most ridiculous situations, but they almost always find a way to start the convo around a girl one of us might be talking to at the moment. So far two girls have totally stopped talking to us.
  10. Hahahahah, yeah, the one you took was definitely safer for TFF. We come up with shit like that in the Army, like ... Would you rather have ten one-night-stands to last the rest of your life, or would you rather suck ten cocks and be able to sleep with any woman you wanted, on demand?

    I think I have another Sergeant on video saying, "I'd suck ten cocks." Yeah, THAT'll never be taken out of context and shown to anybody else.
  11. You got me on that one. Totally stole the idea from a movie. Then again, the alternative was a little too ****ed up for tff.

    Under penalty of death, you must either go down on your sister or have your mom go down on you... until someone is "satisfied". I'm thinking stealing from a movie was the safer bet.
  12. You've got me beat with the Cubs, for sure. I thought the Mets were heartbreakers from 06-08, but a whole century of losing just kills. At least Dusty Baker isn't managing them anymore.
  13. Thank you.
  14. I'd give you rep but I couldn't. I'd say you were spot on in the Election thread, but in addition to crack cocaine and hookers, you left out fried chicken and grape drink. Not soda, just drink.
  15. I'd have to agree with you on that one
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