Conversation Between Rikkuffx and Joe

25 Visitor Messages

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  1. Have a good christmas!
  2. Hey Rikku! Anything crazy happening on MSN? I'm about to get out of class in like ten minutes, so I'll be back home in a bit over an hour
  3. Hey Rikku, whatcha up to? I tried calling Brit earlier, but right after I connected, I hit a dead zone >_< I'll prolly try again when I get out of class.
  4. Well, Herro!
  5. heyyyyy
  6. HAI Rikku!
  7. oh nice, hope you have fun with that
  8. That's cool good luck on your test i'm just hanging around lol family from NY is coming over today so yea
  9. Not too much, Just got in from my classes today. Finally managed to learn a concept in Chemistry, so MAYBE I WON'T FAIL MY TEST!!!

    Other than that, I've been sitting around eating potato chips and drinking soda. or hanging out at school during my 3 hour break b/t my classes (I don't go to history class, since I know it)
  10. Hi Whats goin on?
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 25 of 25
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