Conversation Between Aara and Raider

12 Visitor Messages

  1. You like a7x?
  2. yay, i've been great, i've missed TFF
  3. better now that you're here~! -snuggles- i missed you! how ya been?
  4. hows my awesoem aara?
  5. You're alsome! p.m the ones that work plz!
  6. i've got lists of em, most won't work but there are thpousands gimmie a sec kk
  7. i need a proxy
  8. wat with?
  9. hey! i need some help plz
  10. jello
  11. i'm guessing you knwo loner-kid?
  12. your ****ing awesome!!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12