Conversation Between HUNK and Belugn

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  1. I'm not even kool enough to be concidered a lurker... I just talk to people I know and leave.
  2. Yeah I totally forgot about this place until they auto-mailed me about where the heck I'd gone. But then again I guess I always sort of drop out of forums after a while, turning into some sort of dwelling semi-lurker...
  3. I too have been gone for almost 4, give or take 4 and 1/2 months. I've not the slightest idea what is happening here. I'm just checking occasionally at school.
  4. I haven't been on in forever due to general life. Just felt like checking in on what's up really, as have a lot of other members here done, I see!
  5. Wait wait wait are you talking about Tactics, or Tactics Advance series. xD Because of Tactics itself I know naught, and as for Tactics Advance, I've played both, and considered them being perhaps not the most worked out storywise, but traditional pieces of sheer playing enjoyment to the end, the only reason I've gotten myself a GBA back in the days, as well as a NDS.
    How many "just" Tactics titles are there out there? I know of the one to the PS1 and the PSP, and I've been wanting to play them forever. Akihiko Yoshida is the concept artist, at least for the second, is he not? (Personally my favourite next to Yoshitaka Amano the celestial art being when it comes to FF character designers.)

    I hate how americans always (or at least a lot of times) takes the flamboyance of a character to the MAX when they dub. Or gives one of those overly handsome feminime fantasy jap boys voices that could rival with Arnold's Terminator. Have you ever heard about Magna Carta? I got the game Magna Carta Tears of Blood some years ago, and...well the battle system is so painful and unrefined, but bloody goo I have to say the voice acting is the worse. There is this main guy who's REALLY feminime (actually, he was on the cover together with another girl Reith, and I thought...there were two girls.) But anyway, they gave him a voice as dark and deep as the abyss.
  6. Now since you don't seem to know I'll take it easy on you. FINAL FANTASY TACTICS HAS A STORY THAT CAN RIP OTHER FF's STORIES TO SHREADS!!!! I think the original tactics(PS1) had an incredible story. It can even apply to political problems and debates now in real life. Even though it involves fighting Zodiak Deamons, it is still the most "real" final fantasy out there.

    Yeah I was real happy with the voice actor for FFX and I think they left them both the same so it's still good. Some of the voiceless charecters such as Warrior of Light, Firion, Onion Knight have really good voices that I think match their personallity really well. Especially Firion who has the guy who played Lelouch on Code Gease, and he is a perfect match for Firion who is always on the rebel team fighting the royalties. The personallities between Zero(Code Gease reference) and Firion are almost the same.

    I think you will be happy with Kefkas actor. The only one that I think suited the charecter but I was still not happy with was, Kuja. I know Kuja is really gay but he is just OVERLY gay on dissidia...I still respect him as a bad ass villan and a magick user who could probably counter Terra and Kefka.
  7. Kefka is an awesome villain seriously.
    Aah you have levels? Aah all this talk about Gabranth makes me want to play FFXII again. And nooo did they change his voice that sucks! What did they do with Tidus? I know a lot of people really really have something against his voice actor, but I've always found it quite charming and totally in character. Voices for the more veteran FF characters such as Terra will be awesome to hear (I hope) since they've never had any before : >
    Edgar and Balthier could be the battle of the silver tongued womanizers as well. ok I should stop trying to mash FFVI and XII together now.
    ooh I'm not that into Tactics actually, since I don't have a PSP. (But I think there is an earlier tactics released for..some earlier console as well?) I've played the advance titles though, but they're mostly sweet and relaxing time killers, they haven't got that much to offer when it comes to actual plot, haha.
  8. Yeah, Kefka is a beast, thats for sure.
    Y'know I just unlocked Gabranth and already leveled him up to lvl 46 and he's my new favorite! I knew he would be but I'm still impressed with his ridiculos EX attacks. I however don't like his voice, I think they changed it...It just doesn't sound right. Balthier and Setzer should go at it though. Their personalities are similar. Knowing setzer's luck Balthier would kick his ass but then setzer would get some wierd all or nothing attack and win by the skin on his teeth.
    Man I still want to have some Final Fantasy Tactics characters...Delita vs. Ramza would be pretty awesome!
  9. (....probably just my own personal Dream Land. But I guess it could starr Kirby if you want to!)

    Yeah I know, FFXII is sort of confusing sometimes. Or well not confusing, but it needed more character interaction, which was the only thing it lacked in my opinion. The characters had so much potential, but conversation/interaction scenes were so few! Some of the characters barely changed more than like what. Perhaps 2 sentences between eachother. But it was a huge game and I guess they took the PS2 as far as they could, and it's still one of my big time favourites. It would've been fun with some more actual sky pirating adventures though! FFXII gone Indiana Jones (in the sky)anyone?

    Oooh so you can use summons in Dissidia, nice! (Or well, what would a FF be without summons.)
    BIGGS AND WEDGE AS A SUMMON that's hardcore and they should totally do it haha xD Tifa vs Zell that's seriously awesome. I guess Sabine would go and whoop their asses though with his Bum Rush. Balthier vs Setzer or something would be awesome too, fight of womanizing "gentlemen", haha. Ok I'll stop jibbering about FFVI, I just love love love that game. xD And yes it was a Kefka reference, just gotta love his tantrums.
  10. ("Dream land? Kirby?")

    Yeah I think they should have left out shanato and had a FFXII good guy but what can you do, their Japanese.
    I don't know enough about FFVI to decided who the main really is but from what I've herd its the same thing as FFXII where everyone plays enough of a part that everyone seems the main in their own way. (Cept Vann who is the brother-of-the-guy-who-saw-the-king-die. Big whup)
    Y'know as I compare the characters, Seymour(hated by me too) is pretty similar to The Emperor from FFII. For the record, you can have Cactuar as a you can kinda have them...kinda.
    I agree, even if it takes them forever, a Dissidia needs to be made that has EVERYONE! Even like Biggs and Wedge for a summon or somthing.(LOLOLOLOLOLOL) I really want to see Tifa and Zell go at it! Ultimate Monk fight! Oh by the way, was the HATE HATE HATE thing a Kefka reference? On dissidia he was talking to someone and he had a whole page on the little scrolling text thing of just saying HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE YOU!
  11. Shaa....nnnaaattoo..... -fails-
    Picking out a main character amongst FFVI is hard, I know! I personaly loved Terra, and I guess she's the core of everything. But Locke, as well as Edgar/Sabine/Shadow and Celes got enough attention to be worthy main characters as well. A shame Setzer and the rest was introduced so late in the game, those characters always seem to get a little neglected attention/story wise. : (
    I agree, it should've been Vayne. But really, whatever FFXII character they would've used would've been random, in the absence of lady Ashe. Or Balthier. He was the leading man, after all.
    Someone else I would've liked to see in Dissidia is Auron. And actually, Seymour. I HATE HATE HATE HAAATE HATED Seymour, never liked him as a character, but all the more reason for them to put him into the freaking game so I can kick his ass over and over. Nice that they chose Jecht still though, both expected and unexpected, if that makes sense. .....why didn't they make this even bigger and put it on the PS3 console, I would want a FF fighting game where you could choose amongst nearly every character and perhaps some silly extras such as cactuars and chocobos. -brb going to dream land-....
  12. Dude on Dissidia Exdeath is awesome! All he does is ramble on about the "Void". Golbez got all offencive and he said "What do you intend to accomplish with this void of yours!?" and Exdeath only laughed at him. Isn't shanatto a girl? O.o She counts as a female charecter. You are right though...I still don't even think they should have used Terra. I really wanted to have Setzer as a playable charecter but really he's not the main from FF6 is he? I think it's Locke...
    I just beat the good guy stories and got a movie scene with Gabranth and Shanatto and nearly craped myself! I can't wait to unlock Gabranth!!!!! I didn't really understand why they had Gabranth....Should it not be Vayne? I still like Gabranth more but only because his alternate costume has no helmet so he's basicly Basch in judge armor! Yay Basch!

    My friends and I were talking about a dissidia sequel and we started passing ideas of different gunner charecter like Four way match between Vincent, Mustadio, Balthier and Irvine! I want a gunner on dissida so much. I'm somtimes cowardly on it.(It's easy to just stand back and fire magick attacks.)
  13. I've always been drawing a little so it was like, the only sort of school direction I felt like choosing. Our program has theatre and music directions too, so we're really just a huge bunch of creative slackers haha. Shadow of the colossus actually IS for PS2! Sometimes the graphics slows down the game a tad though, like when entering a place with lots of shimmering light. But then again, my PS2 is old, can't even read PS1 cds very well anymore... .__.
    I am so hot on DISSIDIAAAA I want it so badly. It's a shame they left out FF12 though, I mean, they've got Gabranth in it, so why not include Ashe and the Undying as well. From what I've seen, the only heroine of the game is Terra, the game could do with some more woman good power! The FF's I haven't played are I, III and III. I'm almost through with IV, and I'm playing V whenever I've got time, but for the moment I'm stuck. Exdeath has the coolest villain name ever.
  14. Man when I took art I in my freshman year I hated art class. It was surprisingly tough. Never played shadow of the colossus but I don't even know what its on, it's a PS2 title right? Probably not due to graphics being so epic.
    Dissidia is fun and untill I unlock Gabranth I won't get tired of it. I also like it because it helps me get into touch with FF games I've not played (VI,V,III) (Exdeath is like my new favorite bad guy, FEAR THE VOID!)
  15. XD oh god that's so me right now, but it's more of an "oh my god I need to finish up four months of neglected art class related things in two weeks!" sort of stress. I guess I could blame some of it on Shadow of The Colossus, but when it comes down to it, I'm really just...a very unfocused person. Being a time optimist isn't always being realistic haha.

    I want Dissidia so badly! But I need to cough up some money for a PSP too since I don't have one.
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