Conversation Between HUNK and Kisaragi^^

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. me too T.T nothing special
  2. Hi hi!
    Umm, nothings up. 100%, absolutely nothing!

    What you up to?
  3. Hey hunk ^^
    what's up ?
  4. Hha ^^ we're same
    I sometimes feel ashamed to borrow the machine from them, 'cause on average I play more than 8 hours lol
  5. hahaha, yeah I always go to my friends houses when I want to play halo or Gears of War or something. My friends aren't exactly RPG fans though. Some are and some are not.
  6. Lucky u,
    I only have Ps2,
    if I want to play a game in Psp and Ps1, I borrow it from my boyfriend,
    and the xbox or some other platform of nitendo, I borrow it from my uncle,

    I only played suikoden 3, 5 and tactic one,
    It's in Ps2, so I don't have to borrow it from my boyfriend or my uncle,
    hha ^^
  7. Um, cant say I have played the suikoden series. Why is it good? I would have to know what platform its for right now, I only have a PS2 and a PSP.
  8. Yeah ^^ I do like haseo at .hack//g.u
    "skeiithh ! ! ! !"
    hha ^^

    what 'bout suikoden series ? Do u like it ?
  9. Yeah as do I.

    I only played .hack// Revival or something like that.(Its main character was Hasseo) I am actually playing Kingdom Hearts now, well Im really playing KH2. Its all the same to me.
  10. The RPG's I liked others is like kingdom hearts and the .hack// series
    I do like both of that game ^^
  11. Like which kinda RPG's?

    I of course like the final fantasy series but liked others like Legend of the Dragoon.
  12. I love playing RPG's ^^/ thehehe
  13. Hey, this just popped into my head and I was wondering, What kinds of games do you like to play?
  14. Hha ^^ no worries
    bandung is a small city too ^^
  15. Cant really say I even know that much about Indonesia let alone the city. I would try to guess as to where it is, had I wanted to make a fool out of myself, but alas I dont feel like being stupid.

    To answere your question, no. Dont feel bad though, I live in a town that is almost to small to be a town and I dont think anyones herd of it.
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