Conversation Between HUNK and Darkwave

12 Visitor Messages

  1. yeah thats true,lol what are you upto anyways
  2. Dont worry about your post count.

    You'll find that people will more quickly judge you by what you say in your posts before how many of them you have.
  3. Tell me about it i am upto 68 or 69 and feels like forever,lol
  4. Really I stoped counting after 100 but yeah the first hundered are always a bummer...makes you kinda feel nubish eh?
  5. Is it me or is it hard to get 100 post first off
  6. I will read up on it. It would be good to start one
  7. Lets try to get ahold of some of the other members of the holy knights and see if we can get some other people who would want to rp. A good rp needs more than two people.
    In the meantime,(Belive me this will sound rediculous) read up on a guide to rping. They seem pointless but even I learn a thing or two from them.
  8. We could start one, just the two of us? lol
  9. thats what i was thinking, Someone who fights darkness with darkness, who has been lost in darkness and when someone comes along and helps him fight, he feels sorrow and pain for the creatures that are defeated. Something different?
  10. Hmmm.....interesting idea....

    If we get some more members I was planing to do a RP about it. What you speek of would be a good charecter concept.
  11. It is part of my personality. I use the dark powers to fight the darkness and to understand how it works lol
  12. Yo Darkwave...I just realised, your name is "Dark" and yet you join Holy Knights? Why? To fight darkness you must understand it?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12