Don't be silly! I wanted to talk to you *Huggles* I'm good thanks, excited about my new mountain bike xD How are you doing? :3
_^ OO ___ Ok... Hi to you to Kilala! What you been up to? Must be board out of your mind to be talking to me.
Heya! Just thought I'd huggle attack you as we haven't spoken for a bit... *HUGGLE*
Sorry to keep you up! Good night ^___^ See you later :3
Woo! *kucks for unique* Well I can talk later but I have to go for now, its getting really early...late...whatever. Nite!
That's awesome :3! And I know what you mean about seeming to be more mature than ones peers. Okay I know I can act like a child... sometimes I just like to. It's nice to be happy.. but I can assure you most of the time I'm quite mature most the time Being different is a good thing though. Following the herd isn't all it's cracked up to be. ~^ Lets be unique! ^^
Hahaha it would seem everyone living near me is a 6 year old.... I seem to contain intellect far beyond them or somthing, but honestly im just doing my thing and could not imagine doing anything else. I dont ever talk in Ye olde unless im talking to friends. Its kinda funny though, im always saying things like instead of perhaps or mabey I say Mayhap. Its just my way.
I do play the flute... or well I should say used to! And I really would like to learn the violin... I have one already x3. So I just need to find a teacher now hehe. And I know exactly what you mean! The good old days knew how to do stuff! I'm more of a fan of the past than I am of the present. I guess we're a rarity ^~. Old ways of speech... Gosh that is a lost art! Much more beautiful compared to modern lingo xD Ah how the world has changed... I sometimes think I'm like some 80 year old... and there also times where I think I'm a 6 year old. Go figure x3.
You dont play an instrument? Thats passing strange concidering the fact you have such a respect for composed music. (weirdness here -->) I like to respect old stuff...including(But not limited to) classic music(Really like music from 20-50s), old ways of speech.(Dont know why) However for some reason I dont like the new ways.(Biggest example: Gangstas today compared with gangsters of 1921!) Enough of me, what about you?
Viva la Vida! What do you know x3 That's my favourite song! *High-five* xD And it could be the case... he has some beautiful pieces. He's done many movie soundtracks and stuff. Go Hans! Band class? That sounds awesome! Wish I could go :3
Yeah I like coldplay. Viva la vida is their only song that I've herd though. -_- Hans Zimmer...I've herd the name before...After band class tommorow I bet I could find a song we are playing now that was composed by him. I love band class.(LOL MAJOR BAND NERD) Olde Skool.
Mmm my favourite band... that's a toughy... *Think think think* Hmmmm... well I can tell you my favourite Artist/Composer is like Hans Zimmer xD. But favourite Band... I dunno... maybe Coldplay? x3
Dont worry! You're not least not more than I. My music range is very wide! Like right now I am listening to a spanish song called Lloro por ti. I normally listen to....uh......I suppose instrumental(MANY final fantasy songs in that collections but not all), techno(Most my favorites) and other(Yeah its just other). As for my favorite band, that is the Gorillaz! Hands down, you?
Mmm gosh... when it comes to music I'm embarrassing xD So you may stop talking to me now.... XD But please don't! Umm well you see my music knowledge is very poor.. and my general rule is like a bit of everything you know? If I was to name a band... I would be clueless though. I kinda bop along to the radio... The main kind of music on my iTunes is like instrumental stuff x3 Including classical... a few random hits from modern days though xD I swear I'm not odd What about you though? ^^
Dont call that weird, if anything its a talent. I can only last about a month with out soda and if I dont have it I start to go crazy! @--@ RAWR! Just kidding. Anywho I wanted to ask(Just beacuse I happen to be listening to music) what kind of music do you listen to?