Conversation Between HUNK and Meigumi

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Ya, it's on YT.
  2. Oh you mean on youtube?

    If its on youtube then I can already download it so no problems. Thanks much!
  3. (Hey since you posted that, can you find a link for simple and clean?

    I looked for it but can never find the faster version it plays in KH opening.)

    You mean, a downloadable one? Or just the video?

    If you're looking for the video, you need to search for "Simple and Clean fast".
    The first video that comes by also have lyrics, and is the fast version you are looking for.

    As for the MP3, I may look for it.
  4. Why, thank you very much~~
  5. Hey did you draw the pictures you put up in the Clash of Legends?

    They were really good, loved seeing chibi version of Firion.
  6. Exactly~ This site needs more chocobo. More of it.
  7. Yeah, agreed. Chocobos are cool.
  8. This site. Needs more chocobo. Alot more.
  9. FFTA2 eh? I have never played it. However I have beaten the first one and I play FFT war of the lions on PSP and I have Luso on my team, he is accually pretty tough. Whats the deal with chocobo items?
  10. Kupo? Welllll, going to a few posts, and wondering if anyone is going to put up an arguement about chocobo items. Playing FFTA2, and training Luso to kick that Khamja, or whatever her name is, and wondering how in the world SE came up with that name.
    This, kupo, is what I have been doing; alot.
  11. Hello Kupo!

    Just board and figured I'd ask what you were up to, Kupo.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11