Conversation Between HUNK and Materiathief00

20 Visitor Messages

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  1. Sorry, I always forget to check user messages. I didn't mean buy it online, I meant read it online. There are some sites that scan/translate manga. Some are harder to find than others though but I'll see what I can find for you.
    I'm not really allowed to get things online either, but you know.
  2. As generous as that is, my parents wont alow me to shop online...Which sucks because everything cool is online.

    However thats life...
  3. That's right, I keep forgetting you're not that far away. Yeah, we're probably in the same time zone.
    That stinks that there aren't any manga selling bookstores near you. I could try and find it online for you if you'd like.
  4. Haro!
  5. I've no clue as to what timezone I'm in. NC and NY are not that far so I'll guess I'm in the same.
    The closest bookstore that would sell manga is like 1hr at least...There is no such place even close to me.
  6. Nah, probably not too much. What timezone are you anyway? I think I'm eastern standard.
    You should pick it up if you find it, it's so awesome! I have two bookstores around me that sell manga. Do you have any around you?
    Yeah, one of my friends had a KH manga too! She let me read it and it was pretty cool.
  7. I think only like mabey and hour? I don't really know...It shouldn't be much.

    Of cource I like Orlandu though...he's just a beast.
    I don't know anyone that has the manga so I can't say I've read it. One of my friends at school though has a Kingdom Hearts manga!
  8. We're never online at the same time anymore! That's crazy, how much of a timezone difference are we? I doubt it's much but I'm curious.
    I knew Orlandu was one of your idols too, I didn't know of the others though. I need to think of who my idols are. When I do, I'll tell you if you want!
    Hey, have you ever read the manga of Hellsing? It's way more lighthearted and funny! I'm not too far in the OVA yet, I've been busy. But of what I've seen it's like the anime but closer to the manga.
  9. Whoa! You're actually online at the same time as me!

    My "idol"....I have many more...Orlandu, Murdoc Nicals...ect.
  10. They're the same thing, lol! That's crazy, it must have sounded like a very silly question then. Okay then, I shall watch the OVA.
    Every time I saw Anderson in the anime, I thought of you, lol. I was watching and when he came into an episode I'd be like, "Yay for Andrew's idol!"

    p.s. I meant to post this on your page originally but my mind spazzed and I forgot how it worked. Sorry about that!
  11. Hehehe, they are the same thing.

    The OVA has much better graphics and is the one you should watch. I just now watched the first of the original episodes.
    (Anderson makes MANY appearences in the OVA) Amen.(Avatar!!!= L33t!)
  12. Quick question for you. I finished the main 13 episodes of Hellsing! But I'm not sure of where I should move onto next. Should I watch the movie or the OVA series. I'm not sure what either is so if you could tell me, that would be great!
  13. Jumping offline for a second but ill be back in a minute. Be right back!
  14. Yes, it's a war of hugs! >D
  15. whoa...huggle overkill much?
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