Conversation Between HUNK and Sato Arashi

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Pretty much it like that.
  2. Alright then, so I'll would need to have one more for Cosmos and two for Chaos?
  3. Basically if we all take one character, we need a crew of 24 members which is probably impossible. If one more person joins in, then all the spots are filled when we all make four characters. Two for Cosmos, and two for Chaos.
  4. Hey about the Dissidia rp,
    I read your post and I'm a bit confused are we supposed to all have four charecters?
  5. Good luck and I hope the RP goes well.

    Im going to bed, See YA!
    L33tenator WAZ HERE!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5