Conversation Between HUNK and Elyon Seraphim

39 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hi there bud, Are ya thirsty for an RPG?

  2. xD

    Like you said, Let me know whenever it is time to test it.

    Or something like that. Im just doing a promise!

    And you can play the demo of the game if you like.
  3. Por Que mi amigo?

    Why should I? Is a game that I would like?
  4. Bueno Dias companione!

    I have started the demo of the new game which i named ''The Sacred Sword''.

    Check out the thread and check the latest post i made!

  5. Y'konw with you being a friend and all I would join but it would contradict the reputation I'm trying to set for myself so I once again apologize.
    However, despite your low number of people, it seemed to me that the rps you were setting up were really taking off.
    I think if you open it to more than two people at a time it will work marvalously.
  6. Ye... I understand what you think. Still... We still need members. so i was asking some of my friends... Nearly all said no. Still... Thanks for noticing.
  7. I'm sorry but I read up on your group and it seems a bit too evil. (No offence really meant)
    I prefer playing the role of the good guy.
  8. I was thinking an group called ''Citizens of Chaosthroph'' Please do read before joining an so on.
  9. Which group do you speak of?

    I'm always ready to do somthing else.
  10. Hah! Ye... sorry for changing name without saying anything... But i got bored with the name before this... DON'T worry! Im still an Gilgamesh maniac!

    BTW... Want to join my new group? We could use an hand like yours
  11. OMG!

    I just noticed! YOU are Uber-gilgamesh! *slaps in face*
    Whoa, so whats up man. Why the name change? I tottaly though you were just some random guy...
  12. Hai!
  13. Thanks man.
  14. Happy Birthday Alther!
  15. Howdy H.U.N.K! Having fun playing my game? ^^
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 39
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