Conversation Between HUNK and soramaster

47 Visitor Messages

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  1. meh, if it were not for school I wouldn't be on at all.

    Thank God I can skip lunch and go to the band room computers!
  2. Lol, well looks like most of my friends keep welcoming me back. Not that it is important, but because of the fact that I rarely get on, and the main reason is school
  3. Yeah, I'm unofficially back!
  4. do you ever come back on by chance?
  5. Yeah, sometimes, just not as much as usual
  6. Hey dude, are you still on TFF?

    Just wondering...
  7. Everyones different. I can only draw if I have like a model or somthing...there are a few things I can draw. I can draw the Gorillaz pretty good.

    Listening to Afro Samurai theme! WOOT!
  8. really, well thing is i can draw, but for females i cannot seem to day full body

    weird right
  9. hehe, ill have to work on my art skills...every game disign guy can draw but not me...

    However my friends who can draw can never come up with a story for the things they draw. We often make RPs for the stuff they draw, I make up storys for them, its my specialty.

  10. hey u wanna hear something I want to move to Japan, and probably take classes in drawing and gaming design
  11. Yeah, *Nucks for class of 2011*!

    Anyway I plan to graduate and then go to UNCW and enter in a game disign program...mabey even move to japan to work for Square...ahh...childhood dream. Since I was like 5.
  12. dude i am also going to be a Jounior

    I have my TV on Pop2K - Hits of the 2000s and now it is on Sean Kingston
  13. Im gong to be a junior next year.(Im talking DE late, my car always breaks down and i cant get a ride to class)

    WHY IN THE H311 are you listening to *shuders* Britney Spears. Im listening to the Planet Smashers.
  14. damn, well anyways what grade r
    im listening to Britney Spears
  15. I was out almost a month ago but Im taking the summer class.(Its only two weeks long)
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 47
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