Conversation Between HUNK and Clint

15 Visitor Messages

  1. Hmm, indeed and congradulations.
  2. Thank you. I appreciate that. I was thinking about hiring Sondra Locke to play the lead female role for that movie, but then I remembered what a cunt she is. So instead I hired Frances Fisher, whom I also have had sex with.
  3. Hmm, while we're on the subject of your dramatic world changes, I'd like to say: I have finally goten a chance to sit down and watch Unforgiven. Greatest movie ever.
  4. Thankee, sai. You are a good person. I will keep that in mind when I drastically change the course of human history.
  5. Happy birthday good ser Eastwood!
  6. Apollo got killed by a Russian who's ass Rocky kicked. Apollo Creed was a *****.
  7. Yeah, sure I'll give him that.
    Apollo was a beast!
  8. He wins when it's important. I mean, sure he lost to Apollo Creed and Mason Dixon, but at least he went the distance.
  9. Perhaps I'm not a true communist, but I do agree with their ideals.

    I still can't respect rocky balboa though, he almost looses every fight he's in!
  10. If you're a communist, then you should watch out for Rocky Balbroa. He ended the Cold War.

    I'm on here occasionally, but usually only to antagonize people or make stupid jokes.
  11. No not quite.
    In CPC8 we decided we're all bros. I'm also communist so....Brosef Stalin was the ideal name.

    I didn't know you were still on. Good to see ya by the way.
  12. Is Brosef Stalin the black Josef Stalin?
  13. Thank you very much.

    If I may ask, what does H.U.N.K. stand for?
  14. Yeah, Clint Eastwood rocks. I had to change my name to it in order to be as awesome as him.
  15. Yeah, man. Eastwood rocks.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15