Conversation Between HUNK and Exxdeath666

31 Visitor Messages

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  1. we need more members...
  2. Ok man you cant leave me out of your plan. Are you just waiting for the right moment to post or what? We have already started the rp and could use help....
  3. You know I'm in man. Bring on teh drama!!!
  4. Hey, just dropping in to ask: Are you still in the MH rp? Jack and I are in but we need a slightly more experienced rp'er and you're the only one who signed up so.....You in?
  5. Monoblos eh, I belive they do have opeing....make them run into canyon walls and get their horns stuck. THEN BRING DOWN THE PAIN!

    Thats the first High rank monster I killed by myself so Im happy with Blos.
  6. I'm a bit hazy on the details, but I believe you obtain it by killing blos. You can imagine the frustration I had; I hate Diablos and blos in general. They have virtually NO OPENINGS!!! ARRRGH!

    But yeah, I think that's how you get it.

    I'm not amazing with katanas and they aren't my favorite weapons to use. I only use them on apes and Cahmeleos because they're quick and do quite a bit of damage.
  7. You intrige me with this Executioner's axe.....what do you make it from? I might want it....Or Mayhap I could get Jackie to use it, he still isn't really sure what kind of weapons to use.

    He was using katanas but I had him stop beacuse he used them, I used them, Drew used them, Karl used them and even you use them....thats to popular to use.....He is concidering being a gunner like me....Im normally a gunner, GS user or a Lancer.
  8. Hey, I had to face dual by myself. It was annoying. THEY were easy, but tracking them was hard!

    Yeah, I used to have Judgment, but then I got Executioner's Axe, and I started using that for a while, but eventually got Lacerator and I've stuck with it ever since!
  9. You could not pay me enough to fight Dual Tigrex by myself.....But the buster swords I use are the Judgment(Upgrade from Halberd and my first good weapon) and the EPITAPH BLADE (AKA the Chuck Noris Blade)
  10. Laos is boring to kill for me and they take too much time. I use GS to kill Tigrex all the time; it's my weapon of choice against the beast (good 'ol Lacerator Blade), but Dual Tigrex is a pain in the ass.
  11. Wow 44 eh? That is impressive to say the least.

    The only real big accomplishments I have are: 1:Killing Tigrex with a Great sword.(Apparently its hard to do...) 2:Killing 4 Lao-Shen's (Only with help from friends.)
  12. That is the exact reason I don't like to face him, despite the fact that I've killed him 44 times...

    But yeah I'll welcome him then...
  13. Jackies name is Abysal darkness and he is on right now. Ill make sure to tell him you are the MH guy I told him about on the phone. LOL.
    But yeah its hard to be accurate on the Rajang....its also a health risk.
  14. Yes it is, but it DOES require a lot of patience and accuracy. I'm not a fan of hitting his head very often, as it is to risky, and I prefer to prolong a fight and not get hit rather than take risks and waste my time. That's why I settled for Puppet Master.

    Tell me what Jackie's name is on here so I can say hello when she gets here!

    Lol troll below me! O NOES!!!
  15. Is such a thing possible??? We hit it with every thing we had and we still could not destroy the second horn...

    By the way my monster hunter friend jackie is just now making a TFF account.
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