Conversation Between HUNK and Darkwolf

25 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah I know... Now that it's over it's no fun... I'm really keeping my game working so that one day I will want to replay it. One day.
  2. Oh, they're substance and subsistence? I thought they both had the same subtitle. I guess I never payed much attention to it.

    Peace Walker was fun, but I found it boring after you beat the main story.
  3. Jeez, over brutality much?

    I've not played substance or subsistance.But I have both of the original MGS2 and 3. They are good games. (But man, I'd appreciate that camera system) I think their camera works like the one on Peacewalker, which is great, I was really good at peacewalker, if it had better multiplayer I'd play it more often.
  4. I know a friend that beat Olga on European Extreme difficulty (Subsistance exclusive). If you take one hit from her, you die.
  5. Try fighting Olga Grulovich from MGS2 on Extreme. It's almost exactly the same. What happened to the days of MGS one where, I could just run around a corner and avoid almost all damage from his guns?
  6. I HATED the Oscellot Boss fight on Extreme. It's difficult to hurt him without having a trade-off where you both get hurt, which screws you over because he has tons more health than you.
  7. I remember the first time I played on extreme... lol, the AI gets so much more intelligent. I ran up on the roof of the building Sokolov was in and usually I can camp like a mo-fo and kill everyone, but they took one look and all of the sudden I have like 8 grenades coming at me at litterally EVERY spot on the roof. They exploded, I died... sadface. (So next time I just ran like hell in front of the door that sokolov was in and used the fake death pill. But even that screws you over cause you need that fake death pill to get past The Fear's boss fight. Or at least I do.)
  8. The best way in MGS3 to get No kills+No alerts is to get the EZ gun. You can either do it by choosing the easiest difficulty or if you're a perfectionist (like me) you need to capture one of every animal in the game. (Including the Tsuchinoko) and you will unlock it on that difficulty.

    That gun not only gives 80% camouflage at all times it is equipped, but it is a tranq gun with unlimited ammo. So you never have to worry that you will run out of tranq ammo and be screwed out of a no kills run. Like I said, it doesn't give anything extra though.

    No alerts run gives you stealth camouflage though.

    The other way to get stealth camouflage is to shoot 100% of those kerotan frogs though.

    I found that more impossible than a no alerts run. (The oscellot soldiers you fight during the Snake Eater mission (After you wake up) was probably the most fun to do with no alerts. You feel like a badass when you realize you took out an entire squad without being spotted once.)
  9. Tee-hee, ocelot puns are priceless to me. :3

    I could never get no kills + no alerts... I can get through the virtuous mission without kills. (But those damn ocelot soldiers before Sokolov always find me...)
    It's more or less for bragging rights I guess. Kojima probably thought it was so impossible that no one could accomplish it, so he figured he'd not make it a challenge.
  10. Yeah, I get it. I beat MGS3 on every difficulty, and did everything (Including no kills+no alerts run) I was pissed off when I didn't get a reward for no kills. >.<
  11. Portable Ops actually has an amazing story. But MPO+ has no story mode at all. :/ Plenty of l33t extra characters though. (Like Johnny! You know who!)
    That explains why your favorite is Big Boss though, MGS1,2 and 4 are about Solid Snake. Naked Snake is refered to as the father of Solid Snake though, they're pretty much the same.
    I'm "Pretty Good" at MGS3. (huh, get it? xD)
  12. I still need to get Portable Ops Plus. I've played MGS3 and Peace Walker already, lol. Need...PSN....Money...
  13. For the older days of MGS timeline, my favorite was probably Roy Campbell! (Before MGS1 though) He was a green beret and he is bad ass on Portable ops plus.
  14. Big Boss/Naked Snake like it's even needed to be asked
  15. Oh Emm Gee!!! There are so many more MGS fans than I thought. ^_^

    Who's "your" favorite MGS character.
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