Conversation Between HUNK and Omega OwA

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy B-day OwA!!!!
  2. Whenever you're Ready...
  3. Yeah, good talking to you again. Maybe we can RP again sometime.
  4. Same here, I to can recall good memories of our old rps...but still they were kinda crappy on my part. v v.
    Hope to see you around though.
  5. Just depends right now. I don't know if I'll start back up or not. I think I'll be able to find time though, I hope so. And I'm glad those old threads are still there. They work for some good memories, despite how bad some of them might be =D
  6. Are you back to stay or are you just visiting? It would be pretty sweet to rp with you that im better at it.

    Looked back at some threads we were in and man.....*sigh* I was quite
  7. Haha, yeah way back then. I did quit, sort of. I just decided to check back today, actually.
  8. Well yes it has.

    I haven't seen you since I was a n00b...
    I though you quit the forums.
  9. Uh, yeah. It's been a while?
  10. OMG your onilne!!! YOU'RE ALIVE!
  11. hey Owa! Its been awhile. I just wanted to say hi.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11