Conversation Between HUNK and RagnaToad

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Of cource I do.

    After all, you did say it was just all for fun.
  2. You do realise that the Communists group is just to take a piss at people who call socialists communists and who don't know the difference, right?
  3. Hm. I'm not sure you fully understand the irony of the group. But I guess you can join.

    And being European is not a requirement at all. Alpha is from New Zealand.

    I was trying to say that a lot of Americans see anything that is a tad more socialist than their own country as 'HOLY SHIT IT'S COMMUNISM!!! WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A DICTATOR!!!'.

    Which is, obviously, not the case.
  4. So dispite the fact I'm not European...can I join?

    (Only group I've ever "asked" to join)
  5. Basically, communism is the ideology in which there is material equality. There is no rich or poor. It's basically the opposite of pure capitalism.

    Of course, pure communism is not the way to go.

    The group is just a joke, because Europeans are pretty socialist compared to Americans, so me and Alpha decided to call ourselves 'communists', just to mock Sasquatch and the other conservative Americans on here. And because some people in the US are calling Obama a socialist and even 'communist', without knowing the difference. They wouldn't know a communist if it bit their ass.
  6. Could you explain a few things about communisim for me?
    What is it all about?
    I keep seeing the group and I constantly think of joining but I have no clue what communisim is.
  7. Well it is luck...bad luck but hey its still is. I never was good at RISK, I had a Lord of the Rings version and I sucked at it.

    As if it was any worth now, good luck.
  8. Umm.

    I'm currently playing a gae of RISK and I'm totally getting my ass kicked so...

    How's that for 'luck'.
  9. Ha, just realised, you have 777 posts. If you think you can do somthing ridiculos out of luck, now would be the time to try.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9