Conversation Between HUNK and Ulteka Mako

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah unfortunitaly its a psp title...and my psp broke like about a week before it came out. Its annoying but I can just try to get another...Thankfully my birthday comes like a few weeks from now and I may get the dissidia bundle.
  2. Dissida is the fighting game right? I could have sworn it was on the PS3. Huh, well that sucks. I hate hand held systems.
  3. Uh, you know that Dissidia is not on PS3 right?

    Its a PSP title.
    I have downloaded the demo and its really fun, playing as cloud is not as cool as I Thought it would be, it actually sucks. Playing as Onion Knight on the otherhand is really awesome!
  4. So you are saying we can start are own clan so to say? Thats pretty cool if thats what you are telling me. Also, I have yet to play Dissida. I have to get a PS3. I am getting one this friday when I get paid.
  5. Inform me further... sounds busynessy.

    Anyway, once upon a time there were guilds dedicated to fighting each other in rps. These guilds were known as factions. A few people who actually remember guilds decided to ban together and revive them.
    So rp fight clubs are being started, you can find the thread around the rp stuff.

    On another subject, what do you think about Dissidia? I got the demo and I like it!
  6. Inform me further on this subject.
  7. Cool. Hail to the revival of Ulteka Mako. It may be tough being on probation but it will only make you stronger.
    Since you used to be real big on RP's, I figure it would be good for you to know about the revival of TFF Factions. Do you already know or should I continue?
  8. Yeah everything is ok now. I am on 2 years probation. It sucks, but it is better then being in jail. I am excited about being a father. Its kinda cool being able to call myself a dad now. Its going to be one hell of an exsperince though. But now that I got a computer and stuff, when I am not working I will be on TFF.
  9. Awesome man you're back!

    I had no idea you are expecting a daughter, are you looking forward to being a father or are you alittle scared? (I'd be terrified...I don't work well with really young childeren) As for me I just got back from a Christian youth retreat called SpiritUs. It was out on the coast and was really nice, got to go inside an abandon WWII fort, its called Ft. Caswell in case you know of it.
    Still none the less, it's great to hear you are alright man.
  10. Hey man, I got out of jail. Everything is all good. It sucked but whtever. Thats what you get for being a So whats up with you? You know I got a baby girl being born 12/15/09 or 12/20/09. I'm pretty excited.
  11. Hey man herd you got into some trouble. Hope everythings gona be alright.

    You're in my prayers man.
    Andrew J. Bealor
  12. Yeah, I am hitting the bed myself. Later on and talk to you later.

  13. Well good hearing from you man....its 3:30 so im heading to bed. Keep in touch!

    In Blood,
    Andrew J. Bealor
  14. Yeah I stop in when I can.
  15. Holy cow! You're back!
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