Oh i'm feeling better now. I know people cancel but what irked me the most is when one of the girls who canceled she called me to see if i could take her shift at work...so i think thats the one that bothered me the most,im fine now and even lastnighta fter i posted to you i felt better thanks for teh advice though oh and its not just my bro its my guy too hes in my bros group,it just makes me and mom scared i think it's because now we know they are actually fighting now,and tbh i would rather not know. It's good to know how hes doing and stuff just the fighting part puts us on edge. but ty sooo much for listening *hugs*
As for folks having to cancel, you must try to understand, these things happen. It's not the end of the world, you can try to reschedule. For the person who died in your brothers battalion, does his/her death make you worry that your brother is soon to follow? He is not cursed. It does suck that you missed his call but he will call again when he has the chance, I'm sure of it. All you can do is pray for the others in his battalion, having someone that close to you dieing is always tough because you know you must continue on. Believe me I know how you feel, almost every person in my family was in the military. Just pray for your brother and keep him in your thoughts, however! Don't let thoughts of him get into your everyday life, I'm sure he would not want that. Try to cheer up, ok? (P.S.: I'm sorry if the post was long, I do tend to ramble sometimes.)
well i had almost everyone who i invited to boston cancel on me and then someone in my bros battalion got killed(they are in afghanistan) and my bro called me twice and i wasn't home...
"Ive been better" Listen I have herd that before and it never means anything good. Feel like saying what bothering you? I can't do anything but often times talking about it will help you feel better. Plus people I know always tell me i'm good with that kinda stuff, so if your willing to share, i'm willing to listen.
thanks for the birthday wishes,eh i've been better.
Hey its your birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I haven't herd from you for awhile now, how you been?
Well thats cool, I am supposed to be related to some don in the mafia on my moms side of the family. I ended up writing an epic appology post, I am not as informed and jumped to conclusions to soon.
lol i'm related to lincoln in some way so it pisses me off that he said that...
O.o I sence trouble.....
you werent't hard on him at all,if he gets on msn i'm gonna blow his mind away lol
hehe its all good
Aww dont worry I wasn't to hard on him....well i might have been but I dont think it was bad enough to be warned for.
yea,dont be rude just post your thoughts and say you're offended(if you are")
I know right. See im going to post but I have to carfully word what I say....or i might get into trouble and i havent been warned so I would like to stay that way.
I just read what he wrote and that pisses me off. Also the thing about Lincoln.Without lincoln we would possibly still have slavery and our country could be divided.