Conversation Between Yuki-onna and Chez Daja

7 Visitor Messages

  1. I know all about the extra precautions and whatnot. I spoke to my doctor about it and she said that it should be absolutely fine... Not to mention having already had sex about 15 times since I started the new one. >____>;.

    So far, it's working well. I feel sick and everything! D:

    On the other hand, it's better than microgynon, which made me so hungry that I gained like, a stone! I'm shedding it now, but it was horribleeee.
  2. Merr. Ever ongoing madness of my life....
    Mmmm sweetie you may want to use that extra precaution. It can take up to several months for your body to get used to a new pill. Is it different brand, same formula, anything like that? Not to like, scare you, but seriously, there's always that tiny chance an egg would get set free during a switch.
    Yeah, condoms are a hassle. Never liked 'em. They make his gear smell like horrid pie or something. But, there's nothing funnier than a guy seated on the bed..."****....wrapper....****!!!!" It's better than sex.
  3. What's wrong?? What happenedddd.

    I switched, waited seven days after I'd been taking them, then had sex again and it's been fine. I figure that if I at least wait seven days after having taken the first pill, all is fine. Condoms are horrid and smell of herbal tea. Although I'd use them if I absolutely had to. D:
  4. Oooh that can make you sick, yush. Be sure to wear extra protection...a switch can cause pregnancy and therefore, a child. *I* am ****ED. Haha ^_^ Ah living large. (I wish)
  5. Hahahaha. I'm fine thanks. Although I feel really sick lately. I've changed my Pill lately, too, so it's probably that. How are YOU?
  6. I certainly HOPE so. Our seed would be the GREATEST. Oh yes. How have you BEAN my lesbian lover?
  7. WHAZZZZZUP? And all that shit. How're you? Can we make babies yet?
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