Ahhhh.... xD
I know. OCD kicked in when I saw one red out of all the green reps I had. xP
It was a joke. Don't take it seriously. =P You know rep don't mean anything.
Woahhh, I got a bad rep for mentioning the Irategamer? Huh. >>;
My aim is not @aim.com =P They don't use email addresses. XD
@-@; Yeah, I saw. It's okay though. I hope he's feeling alright.
...Wow. >_< *pats* Phantom did a number on you out of nowhere...
Happy bday!
You are welcome!
Thanks for the nomination Mistress Sheena!
Thank you!!
Congrats on your name change!
Yeah I know, haha.
XD Yeah I saw that there and made a request. I usually check out the announcements to catch up with TFF. I feel like an oldie now that 3 years are already gone.
There's a sticky thread in forum announcements where you ask to have it changed. ^_^