Conversation Between Azuteor and Victoria

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ahhhh.... xD
  2. I know. OCD kicked in when I saw one red out of all the green reps I had. xP
  3. It was a joke. Don't take it seriously. =P
    You know rep don't mean anything.
  4. Woahhh, I got a bad rep for mentioning the Irategamer? Huh. >>;
  5. My aim is not =P
    They don't use email addresses. XD
  6. @-@; Yeah, I saw. It's okay though.

    I hope he's feeling alright.
  7. ...Wow. >_< *pats*
    Phantom did a number on you out of nowhere...
  8. Happy bday!
  9. You are welcome!
  10. Thanks for the nomination Mistress Sheena!
  11. Thank you!!
  12. Congrats on your name change!
  13. Yeah I know, haha.
  14. XD Yeah I saw that there and made a request. I usually check out the announcements to catch up with TFF. I feel like an oldie now that 3 years are already gone.
  15. There's a sticky thread in forum announcements where you ask to have it changed. ^_^
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 19
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