OMG yes *drooool*
Yeah dude! -Ette! I see that you like sinigang! It's the best Filipino dish evar!
lmao! Ty ^_^ it's a rule now....We have to Be best friends forever hahahah Filipino power!
Oh wow, haha, I remember that photo! I forgot about it until you showed it to me. All this time, I thought you were a white chick! Hurr, hurr, you're pretty cute yourself. Any race mixed with Asian blood end up looking really good. It's a proven fact!
lol! I'm African American and filipino
It's like you're full-blooded even though you're half! What is the other half? ^^^^
Okay, prove it!
I'm not! I is half heheeeeee
What? You're Filipino? No way~ You're lying!
I can't help it I'm drawn to you... it must be because we're both Filipino *stalks*
(´・ω・`) W-w-whyy thank you! Are you stalking me or something?! ( ゚ Д゚)
Zomg Azuteor is handsome haha
No problem!
haha Sweeet, ty!