I'm more han sure he'll return!^^ Once we sort it all out and achieve another goal. You'll see ^_^!
>>; Fate left because of that? Man, Fate knows better than to do that! FATE! We were just making a lot of progress too. Hmph. >:T
It all got a bit tense and messy at one stage as I"m sure you remember! But now hopefully with the social group / subforum everything will become more orderly. I'll make sure of that xD Then maybe Fate will come back ^^
Oh why?!
Fate left sadly ;;
You forgot to add Fate into the member list in the social group, lol.
I asked ^^ Perhaps the existing thread could be pinned. Just discussing it n.n
Hey, Kilala. Try asking one of the mods if its okay to make a new MSN Please thread and sticky it. It'd be better to have your organized list of MSN users as the first post.