Eh, not really. But I'll try. If I fail to do so, then I'll eat some pineapples in Hawaii.
Tap dancing? Haha, can you really tap dance? ;]
I'll be the one who's tap dancing in some other part of the world, then!
lol, it's okay. You don't have to do if you don't want to.
Oh. Well, I don't even know what I'll do, though.
o_o; Well, you don't have to RP dance in the ball. Just do what you want! Casually rp!
Oh, I'm not into romantic, midnight ballroom dancing.
Ahhh why not?
Second Annual Quistis Ball? No, why?
hey, are you gonna attend the Second Annual Quistis Ball?
Ehh, I'll think of SOMETHING.... ....Next week.
You've got so much potential though! You gotta draw more!
I'm not much of a inspired person.... >m>;
Found it! You don't have a lot in your gallery! D:
It's somewhere in the forums...