Conversation Between Azuteor and Xeim

14 Visitor Messages

  1. It's in the clubs forum. If you can't see it then it must be private and I'll have to talk to them higher ups. Haha. Do let me know.

    I'm glad your character is going well. I still have to work a bunch of things out for mine. >_> My time to work on him has been limited lately, too.
  2. Nah, I didn't see it yet or I couldn't find it. Lol.

    I should be posting up my character pretty soon as well.

    There isn't that much activity in the Factions forum. Hopefully, it starts kicking soon. >>;
  3. Heeey, you seen we have our own subforum yet? I just don't know what I want the first thread to be. Haha. ^^; Bear with me until I get my bearings...

    I'm working on my character, so I should at least have a good description of him soon! ^^ And in case you're curious, I've just recruited loner-kid onto our team. Whee!

    Sorry for the random message. =3
  4. Right now it's just you, me, and DragonHeart. I'm thinking about recruiting some... less experienced writers and help train them up a bit, as well as find a few more semi experienced to experienced writers, but I'm not going to recruit too avidly at the moment. I'll try to keep you updated on things. ^^
  5. Sure, no problem! Just let me know!

    Do we have any other faction members?
  6. You're so amazing. =3 I'm going to glomp you. *glomps*

    I'd love to have my faction character sprite-ified, but I have no idea how I'm going to design them, and it might be a couple day before I do. I shall let you know as soon as I have him roughly designed, at least.

    Thank you very, very much. ^^
  7. Hey wassup, hardworking, love monkay. I've doing a little something for your faction by creating sprite versions of RP characters done in a 8-bit FF style. If you're interested in having one made, I'd be happy to make you one.

    You just gotta tell me what your character is gonna be like. Cya!
  8. Come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Ah, okay. Asahi can do his little thing while Miru's doing that, then. It works perfectly!
  10. Somewhere in the middle of the arc, Miru will have to separate from Asahi for only a short time. Let's say.. two days before the actual dinner. Miru has an assignment on his own and has to track down Sendo Shino (Sheena's character). Byakuya wanted him to keep an eye on her and kill her if Shino should hollowfy. I'll talk to Sheena about that part.
  11. Hmm....nah, not really. Just don't take the scene too far...we'll probably follow Mikomi around for quite a while, so don't move onto the next captain. ^^; We have to make this "arc" last until we get everyone ready to graduate, so we're not going to power through it. xD Silly, awkward situations are always fun, and it looks like Asahi and Miru's personalities will fit such situations pretty well, haha.

    If you need any help or ideas, though just let me know and I'll come up with some stuff. Setting up for the "dinner scene" or even starting it is obvious, but if you want to have Asahi and Miru run around and do other stuff too, I'm fine with that.
  12. Is there anything you want happening on my post?
  13. Hey Captain, thanks for your vote on the TFF Awards!
  14. Yo Xeim, just wanted to tell you that I am working on my RP post and I have not abandoned the club. I am constantly checking TFF for anything new going on concerning the Bleach Club. Just giving the heads up on my current status! - Azu
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