Conversation Between SuperSabin and Andromeda

66 Visitor Messages

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  1. and you're added, i'll try to locate you if i can. EDIT: request sent on WKC, my hometown is the base camp
  2. I'm not sure. Shadow told me that she plays, but I think she fights over the PS3 with her brother who plays the console significantly more than she is able to do. So I don't have her friended on PSN or WKC. I sent you a PSN request, I wasn't able to locate you on WKC, but that is either because you haven't gone online to GeoNet or a case of not being friended on PSN, though I'm pretty sure it's not required to be friends on PSN.
  3. gypsy elder plays!? i didn't know that, whats her avy? i may have bumped into her during online play at one point.
  4. We have a group of 4, but currently one is unavailable to play. But yeah you can join us for quests whenever you want. Gypsy also plays, but I don't know how much. Been looking to seeing about getting her into the group as well. So we can get a little town running of people. ^^ We can get you up on Guild Rank in no time as well.
  5. hey andromeda, you still looking for people to quest with in WKC? if you want to add me on there, my avy in the game is Ned, if you want to add my psn account as well its Sabin1337. i'm willing to quest with anyone.
  6. Hi there, did you see that story I decided to conjure up? I wanted to go for an unusual style and just write up something everyone would get a good laugh out of.
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 66 of 66
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