Conversation Between Chez Daja and Djinn

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. Orright you slaaaag?

  2. Shows how attentive i've been recently XD.
  3. IT'S NOT CHRISTMAS ANYMORE. God, Andy, get with the times.
  4. Merry Christmas!
  5. Or is that an excuse to cover up that you WERE.

  6. I think i may be a bit old for trick or treating, by a few years XD. I was out getting smoke blown in my face by my ever thoughtful friends!
  7. You'd better not be out trick or treating!

  8. C'mon, three butt-kisses for you to speak your mind. It's a great offer!
  9. Too right, my friend. Too right.
  10. Haha yeah, i wish =p. Can't please everyone, AMIRITE!? =/
  11. Hahaha, I feel bad for you, Andy. Next time they might give you a picture of a girl that you actually find somewhat attractive.
  12. IKNOWRITE! Makes it harder to see all the messages of people loving me!

    ... or something.
  13. Wow, look at your profile. Clogged up with campaign shite.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 28
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