Conversation Between Jin and GypsyElder

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. Milo and Otis was the shit. Probably my favourite movie as a kid. I got sad every time it ended.
  2. That part made me sad every time, I think the dog's name was Shadow right? and then the black and white one was Chance, and the cat sassy oh boy, I think I might still have that one somewhere, I remember I wanted to save it. I also got the second one but I'm not sure if we still have it.

    Omfg XD Milo and Otis!!
  3. No way, I freaking loved that movie as a kid. I watched it every weekend, I swear. And I was always afraid that the old dog wouldn't follow the others over the hill at the end...even though I knew he would. Good times. Milo and Otis too.
  4. Haha, did you ever watch Homeward bound? I loved that movie too. I used to watch tons of movies when I was younger.
  5. The pawn shop appliances used to scare the crap out of me. But the joke's on them, I now own most of them.
  6. lol, I miss my VHS tape of it ;_; I'm going to try and find it online so I can watch it again

    my favorite, that and The Fox and the Hound.
  7. sorry Jin
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