Conversation Between Jin and Pete

10 Visitor Messages

  1. I was thinking back to Ice Hockey for the NES when I said that. But yes, references to WW2 animosities improve everything.
  2. I think the only game that lets you choose country teams would be the FIFA series. You get the league teams, and individual countries. It's not overly complicated, but it's definitely not Mario Strikers. Nothing beats a night of England vs Germany with the fun of WWII references
  3. All you have to do now is find a 'straight vs straight' or 'gay vs gay' article... maybe someone will get it then... doubtful though.
  4. Too bad no one got the joke.
  5. I'm a man of the people, what can I say?
  6. The latter two.
  7. Which seals do you beat? Navy, arctic or the musician?
  8. The "it" part isn't what bothers me, but nonetheless, you have my fake vote. Or whatever it comes to. Pistols at dawn, perhaps.
  9. It's pretty much a joke based on Chez's desire for "it" to become an S-mod. I figured I'd rally some troops and make myself a viable candidate in a completely bogus election, seeing as they're letting anybody run for it these days. Plus as you said, anyone but "that." The total upside to this is that everyone on board gets to use smear tactics and turn me into some form of Chuck Norris-like legend.

    I fully endorse the above statement.
  10. So long as you are, in fact, not Mistress Sheena, you can count on a vote from me. Not that I actually know what's going on. But that's normal in elections.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10