Conversation Between Jin and Hyzenthlay

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  1. Being a cup of espresso would be a grand life, I think.

    The Call of Cthulhu is a game too, yes (for original Xbox). Coincidentally, I just started playing it at a friend's house the other day. From what I can tell, it's based on the Cthulhu mythos that was started by Lovecraft and expanded upon by later writers. At any rate, it certainly takes place in Lovecraft's fictional county in Northeast Massachusetts. I'd hardly call it a good game, but I like the feel it has to it. Horror combined with a sort of Tex Murphy (not sure if you've ever played those games) detective feel. I likes.

    As far as online gaming goes, I honestly don't do a lot of it. I'm pretty antisocial when it comes to gaming, haha. I enjoy being lost in fictional worlds, so I find it problematic when I have to interact with people who do not act in accordance with the world. It kind of breaks the mood for me. Plus I usually like to do things at my own pace. I may change that when Bioware's MMO comes out though. That thing looks amazing and if it can easily be played solo like they claim, I'll be sold.

    Is eccentricity bad? I usually find the eccentrics to be the most interesting, don't you?

    As for my future writing, if I ever do get around to finishing it, I'll certainly let you see it and I'd love to see what you've written. We'll do a "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" kind of thing.

    As far as academics are concerned, I just finished a bachelor degree in honours history, so right now I'm just taking a year off to get the necessary funds to attend grad school. The break itself is nice too, haha. I think being a music teacher is admirable. Music is more important than many credit it, particularly when it is truly a work of art rather than just a commercial cash in.

    Our awesomeness combines to form super awesomeness! All that stands before it shall fall! hair is light brown to dirty blonde, by the way.
  2. “Because you're just awesome.”- Ah, you’re so good for my ego. It’s like a lovely little espresso.

    ‘The Call of Cthulu’ is that a game also? It rings a bell. I’ll give those a look. My mum is the resident book buyer. I’ll get her on that right away.

    Morrowind will be the first on my list, I assure you. Do you do much online gaming? I only ask because of the next Elder Scrolls being rumoured to be an MMO. Also, Fallout has one in the pipe works, too. When/ whether that will materialize is another matter though.

    Well, thank you. I guess I can be a typical blonde. I’m very clumsy (hence my quote above my avatar). I’d say I’m more eccentric than anything but maybe that’s me being harsh to myself. Better to be your own critic than have somebody else do it and be shocked, huh? How about you, what colour is your hair? Ha ha.

    Well whatever you do write post it to me. I love reading stuff. Nearly said ‘I’m always up for a laugh’ but then I realised you may not know my sense of humour yet… Oh, would you look at that; I still said it. Only kidding, I really would like to read it. I’ll show you mine in return. I love to read poetry, I suck at writing it though.
    As for academic papers, I feel for you. I was forced into doing a medical course before I quit. I was expected to be a doctor. I sure showed my dad. Being a music teacher must annoy him. I’m still in the will so he mustn’t have taken it to heart. What do you do right now? Study?

    ‘Awesomeness!?’ you think I have that? That’s so sweet. I think you’re pretty damn awesome too. Anywho, hopefully I’ll be online more soon. We can MSN chat more then.
  3. All I can really suggest to you for books is the Penguin Classics collections, The Call of Cthulu and Other Weird Stories, as it's the only collection I've begun reading. He had a bunch of stories (some are like short novels) that aren't included in it though, but I've yet to read them, so I can't yet recommend them.

    Morrowind was great, but I don't recommend getting the Xbox version. The load times make me want to cry. You can literally start the game and go eat a quick dinner before the initial loading screen is over. Congrats for when you get your new lappy though, that'll be awesome.

    If you were a typical blonde, the term would be a pretty heavy compliment. Creativity and imagination is a good thing. I often wish I had more of both. It's great that you not only have it, but also have so many ways to express it. That's pretty special.

    As for my writing, I'm not sure anymore what I'm trying to do. Similar to how you described it, I've got so many ideas in my head, but I'm having difficulty expressing them properly on paper (e-paper?). I was originally planning to do a kind of weird short story, inspired by Lovecraft of course, but I've since wondered if what I'm going for may be better expressed as some form of long poem. I've never really considered myself much of a poet though, haha. I'm used to writing academic papers, so this kind of writing is a little more difficult for me.

    Now why on Earth would I be avoiding you? You're always off by the time I get on. I guess that's the trouble with time differences. Ah well, thank goodness for TFF so I can at least experience your awesomeness in small doses.
  4. Ah, I may checkl those books out then. Any suggestions?

    Oh, some are impossible. Even after you've done them you don't know how. Some don't even make sense. Still great, though.

    I never played Morrowind. I don't have a PC good enough. Soon my dads getting me an ALIEN laptop, though. Maybe then I can play games such as Morrowinf, FFXI and WoW properly. I miss WoW.

    They're generally fantasy books that I write. Mainly because my brain is crammed full of ideas that I need to use. That's why I'm always in RP's on here. Too much imagination is a curse. I'm forever dancing, singing, writing, playing music... I have too much going on. To think a lot of people call me a typical blonde, too.

    What are you writing/ attemption to write and being restrained by procrastination?

    I'm trying to get on MSN more. You're never on when I am. I think you avoid me. I have a lot of work on. Even in the holidays I'm working... What a life, eh? Only kidding, I love it.
  5. Well I haven't read all of his work, so I can't say for certain, but I've liked most of what I have read so far. They're short stories, so you have some hits and some misses, but most of them I've read have been quite good.

    Monkey Island is indeed timeless, haha. I forgot how hard some of those puzzles are though, my god.

    Oblivion, Oblivion. Good game, but I was disappointed with it. I thought they took away way too many things from Morrowind. I usually just play that instead.

    That's pretty awesome that you're attempting to write books. What are they about, if you don't mind me asking? I'd love to see them published one day. I've been working on something myself, but I'm such a procrastinator that I doubt I'll ever get anywhere with it. It's taken me weeks to write a page and I think I'm going to cut most of it, haha.

    You should get on MSN more, yo.
  6. That isn't corny. You like spending time with your dad. Male bonding is good. Makes sense.

    I've never read any H.P Lovecraft. Are they generally good or are they J.R.R Tolkien style of 'LotR are good but the rest suck'?

    Monkey island is timeless. It's that era of humour that seems to have stuck. I only class Airplane, Hot Shots and Naked gun in that same category. Oh wait, and Pink Panther.

    I've been great, actually. Just re-playing Oblivion. I bought new upgrades for it and was trying those out. Only one of the was worth the time and money. I've also been re-reading Harry Potter. That's a book series that I don't care what anybody says anything about. I love them.

    As for myself personally; I'm great . Just getting on with things. Attempting to write books.
  7. I did enjoy myself. Just getting away in general is nice, but it was also nice to spend some time with my dad, corny as that sounds, haha.

    Since then I haven't been doing too much really, though I have been reading some of H.P. Lovecraft's work. This is my first exposure to his stuff and I rather enjoy it. Call of Cthulhu was great.

    And yes! I most certainly did get LeChuck's Revenge. I remember the least about this game, so it's been good to go through it again and refresh my memory. After so many years, it's still just as funny.

    What about you? How've you been? What have you been up to?
  8. I could have sworn I replied to this...

    It was teh scouts 100th this year? Wow, that's an interesting fact. I'll probably forget it but could be handy for a quizz. Ha ha.

    Lincolns repeated was actually there? If there is ever a nuclear holocaust I'll have to remember that. Did you enjoy your time with your dad, then?

    What have you been up to since?

    Oh, and did you get Monkey Island 2, then? That darn LeChuck's back to his old self. Could have sworn I blew his ghostly head clean off and across the Island... Ah, well.
  9. Well, madame, my dad was there for a work conference and I haven't gone on a vacation in years, so we thought it would be fun if we went a few days early and went sightseeing.

    It was abnormally hot (it got to be around 45 degrees with the humidity!) and there were 50,000 boy scouts in the city at EVERY tourist destination celebrating their 100th anniversary, but overall it was a good time. Saw a lot of neat things and was jumping for joy when I was able to compare the similarities and differences between actual DC and the Fallout 3 map. Lincoln actually has a repeater in the Museum of American History that looks EXACTLY like it does in Fallout, haha.

    Good time all around.
  10. You call that an excuse?..

    Oh, alright. I'll give you that one. You win this time!

    What did you do in Washington, mister?
  11. You're right, it was despicable of me. But in my defence, I was in Washington for the last 4 days.
  12. You lazy bum!

    Why are you not online right now?

    Not allowed. It is despicable!
  13. I still need to play Dragon Age. I'm so behind. x_x

    I'm doing pretty good though. I finally joined the 21st century and bought myself an MP3 player, so now all my downloaded music (some of which, believe it or not, I have actually paid for) can leave my computer and be free. I just need one of those docking stations now. I like to blare music while I'm in the shower, haha.
  14. Literally JUST saw that today, ha ha. So badly buying it, believe me. I can use the rest of the points to upgrade my Dragon Age, too. Good times.

    I'm great, thank you. How are you? =]
  15. Monkey Island 2 special edition. Buy it!


    How are you?
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