Conversation Between ultima_trev and Rowan

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Forgive my fanboiness, but you rock at life. Take care, good sir.
  2. I dont think I would have got it through customs if it were sharpened. Right now it could be seen as ornamental, especially given the markings on the sheath, but its quite heavy and with some sharpening, could be deadly. I want to get more but im afraid I might get in trouble. Where I'm from, you need a license for everything.
  3. Swords are great. I own several, although many of them are replicas not made with carbon steel.

    That's a sexy blade you got there, for certain. Is it sharpened?
  4. Do you like swords? I own a 40 inch carbon steel shirasaya.

    thats my exact model.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4