Conversation Between Hero without a Name and Oneesan

29 Visitor Messages

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  1. I hear that....things are going...I dunno how to explain it. I just broke up with my ex girl because I found out she cheated on me 3 my heart hurts pretty hardcore right now
  2. Basically all I do is sleep and clean, but lately I've been oddly busy. lol I am going to try to log in a little more though, so I'll ttyl.

    Take care.
  3. Thank you, I got the idea from seeing your background. I'm not doing much, just working/sleepign all the time. Half hour and I'm done my shift, almost done
  4. I'm doing well thank you, just been kinda busy lately. lol I like the changes to your profile btw. ^_^

    How have you been?
  5. The bunny ran around the forest for a bit so the meat just came right off the bone. Tremendous! How you doing sis?
  6. Yummy... bunny stew!! Nom, nom, nom. ^_^ lol
  7. Look out bunny rabbit!!! *FIRE 2* whew it's gone, and we have dinner. Hey Kids, we're eating dinner tonight!!!!
  8. Hm... well, we could always just sell their fur. *nods*

    No more bunnies, AND we make some money in the process. It's a win-win!!
  9. If only we could kill bunnies and make money of of them. That would solve all of my problems lol
  10. Hehe. Thanks

    How have you been lately?
  11. haha I know right either way. Welcome back
  12. Hahaha... that man was definitely possessed by an evil bunny!!!
  13. It's actually not a funny, but this animal is on it too *shift eyes* I'm telling you man, tis crazy
  14. Bunnies man.....let me tell you, one of these days I'm gonna wake up and BOOM! Carrot to the face, if you don't believe me. Look up "College Humor Vegeterian" if only people were nieve....for shame man
  15. Hahaha... no, I'm good. No bunnies here... yet. o.o

    I am just not on as much as I used to be. Life has been busy recently and I am just trying to keep up. I hope you have been well, and am sure we will get the chance to talk again soon. Take care and I'll ttyl.
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