Conversation Between Sarah and Taco-Calamitous

27 Visitor Messages

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  1. That "crap" thing sounds familiar. I remember. It was the "insert the word 'penis' into a title" game. Fun times, heh. "Paul Crap: Mall Penis."

    So... is Evil Bad Guys pretty much dead this time? It looks to be so... I see no one's exploded recently. I suppose that's for the best. Anyhoo....

    Wuv, yer Mom
  2. Thanks for the warning on Paul Blart: Mall Cop.

    When I worked at Blockbuster, we had this thing we would do... Most movies, part of the title would be replaced with the word "crap" in conversation. Like that would be "Mall Crap." It can be quite amusing.

    I also wish I would have had enough guts to pretend to mishear everyone ask for "Treasure Island," so I could reply in a pirate accent and say, "Treasure Island? Aye, we have that. It be over thaaarre."
  3. Heh. The problem is that eventually, I always get it. Blargh... (not too loudly; my throat still sucks.)

    Yeah... I'm that way with music more, myself. Movies, I'm a little more willing to sacrifice for, when a friend is going with you. Like earlier last week, a friend got me to go see Paul Blart: Mall Cop. Must've been a very bad lapse in my judgment... that was a terrible movie.

    Decade old games are fun. I should play them more often. For example: I bought the MGS collection, and have yet to get past the beginning of MGS1...

    I'm glad you like my avatar I was worried it might look to ms paint-crappy. Good that it does not. Gotta go now. Have fun! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  4. I have to say that I am LOVING your avy. It's so silly.
  5. Darn her and giving you that cold! Maybe next time you can ... not get it. Wow, that was a creative way to say it. Haha.

    I'm afraid to go to a movie and, you know, pay. I'm usually horribly unsatisfied with what I watch. I might burn the place down if the movie was bad enough and expensive enough. >.>

    You know what's fun? Getting someone to play decade old and older games with you. I have been successful much lately. Although, we've moved onto newer games in the series. (Currently Star Ocean) It's fun to turn people into crazy, old, gamer fogeys like yourself.
  6. I was doing fine, and then I caught the cold that's been going around. I blame my roommate; she's had it for like a week... also saw The Watchmen, which was pretty cool. And started "Evil, Inc." You might check it out... Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  7. Hehe. Yeah, I remember. Very typical of us. I dunno what happened. Got busy, I guess?

    I've been doing well enough. You?
  8. Remember when we were gonna do that thing with S...? and then we didn't...? Wasn't that awesome? (How have you been? Havne't talked to you in months...)
  9. I could've sworn I read about it coming out on DVD somewhere... maybe it was on the IMDB message board, which wouldn't be very reliable, I suppose. I thought I saw it on Amazon too, though... oh well.

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  10. I wish it was coming out on DVD. There are a ton of boot legs out there. That could be what you saw. The problem with Daria getting out on DVD is the licensing they need from all of the music artists whose music was used in the show. It would have been out by now, otherwise. Apparently, it's too much work for MTV to attempt. =(
  11. I think I read that Daria is actually coming out on DVD. Like, season 1 or something. Now that I have it all on my 'puter... Oh well.
  12. All your talk of Daria has definitely driven me past my threshold. I have to find my DVD's now and watch what I can. So many are scratched, though. It's so sad.

    I'm not having such an easy time putting together the Daria costume. It might help if I didn't procrastinate with it so much.
  13. Her escort reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite.
  14. So I saw an episode with Aunt Amy in it the other day. I can see where people would get you being Aunt Amy; she's not all that different from Daria. Just older, and maybe more expressive and outgoing.

    I also liked Daria's escort in the wedding. He was awesome. And hilarious. Awesomely hilarious. "Hello Duh-Ria." "It's DARIA." Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  15. Her Aunt Amy has been in two episodes, I believe. The wedding episode, where Daria is stuck in the goofy dress, and the episode where Daria gets contacts.

    I will so be Daria. I like her. I do change my mind a lot though... so in truth, I'll probably cycle through a ton of characters from the show.

    I think the reason the show is presented that way is because it's supposed to be partly through Daria's point of view. To her, she's barely ever met an decent men. They're all stupid to her (as well as everyone.) *shrug*
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